Sunday 31 May 2009

A Doll's House

Finally, a solid recommendation. I've just put this play on the list of really good shows I've seen in London thus far. It was a gripping play that is extremely relevant to the current UK political climate, with all the fraud and scandal floating around and the administration dropping like flies. A Doll's House revolves around Gillian Anderson's character who is basically, let's say, a trophy wife for this bright new politician who has recently taken a seat after a less than graceful fall of his predecessor. However, as the plot thickens, we see Gillian Anderson's character has gotten embroiled in a bit more of a tangle than she'd like, and we see this housewife evolve in empowerment.

I must say I was very impressed by Gillan Anderson's performance. She was completely believable as this "doll" of a housewife, despite making her name with her strong female X-Files character. She garners sympathy even when you're not sure if she was in the right or not, and she is both subservient and powerful in the play. The Donmar Warehouse is a wonderfully intimate venue with an attractive set hosting a very solid ensemble. Relevant, timely, gripping, and moving, this play is worth both the morning wait for standing room tickets and the hours of standing. Definitely go check it out if you can.

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