Thursday 14 May 2009

Waiting for Godot

I'm writing a bunch of mini-reviews, but hopefully I'll start being better about posting right after I see a show, rather than cramming a whole bunch of blog entries in a night. Anyhow, moving on.

Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart starring in Waiting for Godot. Really, can you get much better? I guess if you picked a play with a plot, you might be able to, but other than that, it's pretty much spectacular. Ian McKellen is a hero - absolutely steals the show with his hilarious and lovable Gogo. The relationship between the two is endearing and genuine. Magneto and Dr. Xavier are supported by a very comical Pozzo and his man on a leash. Everyone does a good job, but McKellen is hands down spectacula. It's great to watch Gandalf and Captain Picard as just two old men, waiting for Godot. Great show, go see it.

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